Band Saw:
A band saw is a power tool with a blade consisting of a continuous band of metal with teeth along one edge which rides on two or more wheels rotating in the same plane.
Belt Sander:
Bench Sander:
Biscuit Joiner:
Circular Saw:
A circular saw is a handheld power saw, with a circular blade. It is a versatile tool that can be used for making straight cuts. While not as precise as a table saw or miter saw, the circular saw is more affordable and can be used effectively. Clamping a guide to your project for your circular saw foot to follow will help with accuracy. Set your circular saw blade to a depth about 1/4″ more than your wood thickness. Remember to properly support your wood as you cut it, considering once the wood is cut, it will become two pieces. Most circular saws can be adjusted to cut beveled edges.
Clamps ensure that your workpiece stays put while you work on them. They are used to hold boards down while you cut, nail, glue, or sand. Invest in at least two clamps and use them when you need an extra hand.
Drill Press:
A drill press – also referred to as a pedestal drill, pillar drill, or bench drill – is a stationary drill that may be mounted on a stand or bolted to the floor.
Drum Sander:
A jigsaw is used for making curved and straight cuts. When cutting with a jigsaw, support the entire board and leave clearance under the board for the jigsaw blade. A jigsaw blade is very flimsy, so when cutting shapes and curves in thicker material, the jigsaw blade can flex and bend, making the cut angled. Most jigsaws can be adjusted to cut at angles and to different depths.
Miter Saw:
A miter saw – also referred to a chop saw or compound miter saw – is a saw that will crosscut long stock and crown molding. It has the ability to cut bevels and angles. It is held fixed on a stand while the board being cut is fully supported on both ends. To make a cut, simply place the board on the saw, push it firmly against the fence, and pull the saw down. A sliding compound miter saw allows you to cut wider stock.
Orbital Sander:
Palm Sander:
Scroll Saw:
Speed Square:
A speed square – sometimes called a carpenter’s square – is an L-shaped tool with edges in a perfect 90-degree angle. A square will help you quickly mark boards for cuts and mark board joints before joining them. It is also used to check joints made at 90-degree angles for accuracy or square, to check corners for square, and to mark angles.
Table Saw:
A table saw is a circular saw mounted under a table so that the blade protrudes through the surface of the table. A table saw is primarily used to rip stock and the blade can be adjusted to make beveled cuts as well.
Tape Measure:
Tape measures come in a variety of sizes; for the majority of projects in our plan catalog, a 16-foot tape measure is adequate. Most standard tape measures have a moving end hook, to accommodate both pulled and pushed measurements.
Thickness Planer: A thickness planer is a tool used for smoothing rough lumber or reducing the thickness of a board. With a planer, every board can be a perfect thickness. Feed the board through the planer face down only as many times as it takes to make a smooth surface on the top, then alternate sides to produce a more stable product.
Wood Lathe